Work Begins on Library's Roof

The library may not be as quiet as usual since roof construction began this week, but the occasional banging from above does not seem to be a problem for librarygoers and staff. "The people are very cooperative, they're very nice," said Mike Horwath of J. Antonelli Roofing in Stamford, who was working alongside Wilden Donire and Victor Astdillo. They will replace half of the roof over the next 60 days.

"They know they're going to hear 'bang, bang, boom,' but it's not [constant], so I haven't heard any complaints so far," Horwath said. "And the people who work here are just wonderful."

Library Director Jane Atkinson said the replacement was long awaited and welcome. Although the noise does not cause too much disturbance, it is getting noisier as workers move higher.

"Some of the shingles are very old and very easy to get off, and others require more prying of nails and what have you, so there are variables within the noise," she said. A dumpster of shingles had already been carted away.

"Aesthetically, what you're going to see when we're done is newer wood shingles," said Horwath, who said the new shingles look similar to how the current ones looked when new. "And then they won't have any leaks."

Atkinson said that because of the roof's design, leaks have been a problem. She pointed out spots in the ceiling that had been painted over to cover water stains.

But the shape of the roof is what makes the project unique, said Horwath, who said the company is working with a roof consultant and architect. "It's an interesting project. The structure of the building, because it's somewhat contemporary, makes it different."

While Horwath and his crew are working at the back of the building, entering the library should not be a problem. When they move to the front, patrons will have to enter through a side entrance.

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