Boucher Weighs Run for Congress

WILTON, Conn. – State Sen. Toni Boucher, a Wilton Republican and longtime state legislator, said Thursday she’s not ruling out a run for Congress to challenge U.S. Rep. Jim Himes, D-Greenwich, to represent the 4th Congressional District.

Boucher, deputy minority leader of the Senate, said Thursday that she was urged by supporters and state GOP Chairman Jerry Labriola Jr. to join an already crowded field. Now, she’s considering whether to run.

The 62-year-old Boucher served as a state representative for 12 years and was elected to the Senate in 2008. Although she said she’s likely to seek another Senate term in November, “you never know what will happen.”

Labriola said Thursday he hopes she enters the race. “Sen. Boucher has done an admirable job of representing the 26th District, and I consider her a rising star in our party,” he said. “If and when she decides to run for higher office, she will make an excellent candidate.

“Sen. Boucher has a record of fighting for the hardworking families of Connecticut against oppressive high taxation and job-killing legislation,” Labriola said. “She would be a valuable addition to the impressive list of Republican candidates for Congress in the 4th District if she chooses to enter the race."

While declining to say how likely it is she will jump into the race, Boucher said she has been around politics and government long enough “not to rule anything out."

“I’m not really sure where all this talk is coming from. I suppose because Jerry [Labriola] approached me about it, it’s kind of taken on a life of its own.”

Boucher added: “It’s very nice that people suggest you could be qualified to run for a seat, but at this point I really cannot comment further.”

The 26th state Senate District that Boucher represents includes all of Wilton, Westport, Ridgefield and Redding, and parts of New Canaan, Weston and Bethel.

If Boucher decides to run, she would join Steve Obsitnik of Westport, Chris Meek of Stamford and David Orner of Darien in seeking the GOP nomination.

One of Boucher’s longtime friends, state Rep. Gail Lavielle, R-Wilton, who now serves in the 143rd District House seat Boucher held for six terms, said she has no idea whether the longtime legislator will enter the race.

“Toni is an old friend and colleague and anything she does, she does it extremely well and with tremendous determination,” said Lavielle. “Ultimately, this is a decision she will have to make herself. I’m sure it’s a tough one because I know she has enjoyed her time in the state Senate.” 

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