Weston Leader Seeks Swifter Services in 2012

WESTON, Conn. – With the new year just a few days old, The Daily Weston asked Selectman David Muller to look back on the year gone by in Weston and to give us some insight on what he foresees for the town in 2012. These are his answers:

1. Looking ahead into 2012, where do you see the town of Weston? What are you looking forward to most as the year progresses?

I think the town is in relatively good shape in spite of the economic environment. We're just starting the budget planning season, so it's hard to say at this point what the next budget will look like, but I expect there to be needs for capital items that we must address. I am looking forward to working with the new board of selectmen in a cooperative and constructive manner. 2. Is there anything new coming to Weston that you are excited about?

I think there will be a continued emphasis on easier delivery of town services through automation. Also, with several new members on various boards and commissions, I think it will be exciting to deal with these new members and to see what ideas they can bring to the table. 3. We had a very tough year in terms of weather - there was an earthquake, a hurricane and an unusual snowstorm in October. What would you like to say to the Weston community in terms of the upcoming winter?

I think we've learned a very important lesson in being prepared for unforeseen events.  The best lesson is to have emergency supplies, to be registered with the Code Red emergency system and to remember to check on our neighbors in the event of an emergency. 4. Looking back, what are some of your fondest memories in Weston? Is there anything that you are most proud of that helped benefit Weston and the community?

My fondest memory of the past year is having seen how people in town volunteered their time to support others when faced with natural disasters, and their money to support those less fortunate. It was really heartening to see the number of people who worked at the comfort station in August and again in October - many of whom were without power at home but who recognized that, as members of the community, they could donate their time to make things easier for others.

5. Looking back, do you have any regrets? Is there anything that would change that happened in the past year?

I'm generally pleased with how things ran for the past year. During the campaign, I would have liked to have met more people by going door-to-door, but Mother Nature got in the way. I think that having candidates stop by to say hello and to answer questions is a super way to stay in touch with what voters' concerns are. While I'm certainly pleased with the outcome of the election, I would have preferred more direct contact with the voters in advance of the election.

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