Weston Holds Off on Giving Officers Tasers

The Weston Police Commission isn’t ready to let its officers carry Tasers.

Chief John Troxell, Sgt. Mike Ferullo and Officer Joe Miceli convinced the commission that the weapon would help reduce injuries to officers and suspects. But the commission first wants a Taser policy drafted specifically for Weston officers.

"We've got sample policies, but we need something synthesized into one policy," said Commissioner Hal Shupack.

"We can have that for you in a week," Ferullo responded.

The commission said an ongoing Tasers controversy needs to be addressed by disseminating correct information about the device to Weston residents. "We need to educate the public to get them behind this," Troxell said.

The volume of "misleading information" in the information ether was too much for the Weston Gun Club to support Tasers financially. In the past, the club has donated funds for assault rifles and other defense tools, but the Taser is too controversial. This is something that needs to be addressed, Troxell said.

Town Administrator Tom Landry gave the commission an insurance report indicating rates could go down if the department adopted the Taser.

"The Taser is used mostly as a deterrent," Miceli said. When asked if he had been in a situation where having a Taser would have been beneficial, Miceli quickly affirmed.

"We deal with several individuals in town on a regular basis who have substance abuse problems, anger issues," Miceli said. He said he was once on call with a Wilton officer who drew his Taser on a bulky man who was known for aggressive, fight-seeking behavior.

"As soon as he pulled out the Taser and said, 'If you don't calm down, you're going to get Tased,' the guy backed up and was like, 'Whoah, I don't want that. It hurts,' " Miceli said.

Miceli is licensed to train police with the device, and the department has two Tasers, but they are not used.

According to the commission, Weston officers are the only police force in Fairfield County who do not carry Tasers.


Do you think Weston police officers should carry Tasers? Why or why not? 


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