Weston Debating Lachat House's Future

Weston residents can speak out Thursday about the future of the Lachat property house that may be renovated or demolished. A public hearing is scheduled for 7 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 56 Norfield Road. Following the public hearing, the Board of Selectmen may make a decision on the property.

The house has caution tape blocking the entrance due to rot and deterioration that could be dangerous if someone were to walk in. It was built in 1770 and is located on Godfrey Road West, off of Newtown Turnpike. 

The Lachat farm was purchased jointly in 1997 by the town and the Nature Conservancy, First Selectman Gayle Weinstein said. "The problem we're facing is the house is deteriorating," she said. 

Weinstein has received estimates for approximate costs to partially renovate the house. She said demolishing the house would be "a lot cheaper than rebuilding it." Approximate costs include, more than $20,000 for the foundation; more than $8,000 for columns; about $20,000 for the roof; $1,500 for posts; and about $48,000 for the floor, hatchway and crawl space. 

Weinstein said the town and the Nature Conservancy are "diverged with intentions" for the property. Initially, it was to be a gateway to Devil's Den State Park and a location for additional parking. However, Weinstein said the town voted to not fund the project. 

"Now we have to decide what to do with the property," said Weinstein


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