Screams Thwart Purse-Snatching Attempt in Westport

WESTPORT, Conn. – A man is wanted by Westport police for allegedly pushing a woman to the ground in an attempted purse-snatching outside CVS on Monday night, Lt. Arthur Belile said in a statement.

A thin white male confronted the woman, a Weston resident, as she walked out the front exit facing Post Road East at about 7:15 p.m., Belile said. The man was wearing dark pants and a gray hooded sweatshirt.

The suspect followed the woman as she walked into the parking lot and reportedly grabbed the straps of her purse and pushed her to the ground in an effort to take the purse, Belile said. When the woman started screaming, the suspect let go and entered the passenger side of vehicle, which left the scene.

The woman was dragged a short distance on the ground when the suspect pulled her purse, but she refused medical treatment, Belile said. Though she was unable to give a description of the car, the suspect was captured on video surveillance.

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