Runaway Weston Teens Face Charges in Indiana

WESTON, Conn. – The two 15-year-olds who turned up in Indiana last week were arrested by West Lafayette police, and one teen is facing several drug charges.

Weston Police Chief John Troxell declined to disclose detailed information about the case because it was in the hands of Indiana police. But a Yahoo! Groups account called “Weston-eWatch,” which is run by Weston Detective Carl Filsinger, revealed, “One juvenile was charged with Delinquency by Reason of Auto Theft, Operator Never Licensed, and Runaway.”

“The other juvenile was charged with Delinquency by Reason of Possession of Methamphetamine, Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Paraphernalia, and Runaway.”

Filsinger uses the Weston-eWatch group to alert Weston residents, via email, of police activity in town.

According to Weston police, the mother of the 15-year-old boy told police that when she checked on her son in the early hours of Nov. 16, he was not in his bed and the family’s car was missing.

While investigating, police quickly determined that a 15-year-old Weston girl was “possibly traveling with this individual," Troxell said.

Weston police put out an all-points bulletin throughout the continental United States, asking state and local authorities to be on the lookout for the teens and the vehicle taken from the family home.

According to Filsinger’s eWatch group, the teens and the stolen car were recovered by West Lafayette, Ind., police at about 10 p.m. Nov. 17. The boy and girl were both arrested.

It is not clear which teen is facing the drug charges. But Filsinger stated on the Weston-eWatch, “Both juveniles are being held by Indiana juvenile authorities pending court appearance. No further information available since this is a juvenile matter.”

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