In Hartford, Hwang is the ranking member on the Housing and Labor and Public Employees committees, and a member of the Commerce and Veterans’ Affairs.
A Taiwan-born Cornell graduate, Hwang worked at United Technologies and later established an executive search business. He and his family live in Fairfield, where, for the last 12 years he has been a Realtor with Coldwell Banker.
Hwang was first elected in 2008 to the state House of Representatives, in the 134th District. In 2014, he gained a seat in the state Senate, in a district that includes parts of Westport, Weston, Fairfield, Easton and Newtown.
“Few legislators make as much time for their community and constituents as Tony, and even fewer do it out of a genuine desire to connect with people, to listen and help,” former Gov. Jodi Rell said of Hwang during the 2104 election campaign.
The Y's Men of Westport/Weston is an organization of retired and semi-retired men with a continued interest in activity, fellowship, learning and community service. Those interested in attending Hwang’s presentation and learning more about the Y's Men should contact John Weiss at You can also access the group's website here.
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