Eastonites Warned to Slow Down for Deer

EASTON, Conn. – Now that the sun sets around 5 p.m., residents need to be cautious while driving the wooded roads of Easton.

“Deers have always been a problem when it comes to cars and all I can do is advise residents to slow down,” said police Capt. James Candee.

While humans have begun to adapt to the skies getting darker before 5 p.m., the deer have not. It is prime time for the deer to seek a partner for breeding and to search for food — add the darkness to that equation, and that could mean more crashes. 

“If a car were to strike a deer or if a deer were to hit a car the damage could be devastating. We have seen anything from dents in cars to cars that are absolutely totaled,” Candee said.

“We love to have everyone is Easton slow down but more so this time of year,” he said.

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