Don't Forget, Vital Fire Safety Talk in Easton

EASTON, Conn. – Since the tragic Christmas Day fire in Stamford, Easton's emergency officials have been inundated with phone calls from residents looking for home fire safety advice. In response to those queries, the fire department will hold a “Vital Fire Safety” seminar March 14.

The seminar will discuss the meaning of a flashover, how carbon monoxide affects the brain, how remembering three words can help keep you safe in a fire and how many minutes you have to escape after hearing a fire alarm.

“Vital Fire Safety” takes place from 7-9 p.m. at the Easton Public Library, 691 Morehouse Road.  Presenters will include Easton Volunteer Fire Company First Assistant Chief Steve Waugh and Deputy Fire Marshal Lucy Crossman. There is no charge for the seminar, and a free raffle of fire safety items donated by local merchants will also take place.

Please call the library at (203) 268-0134 for reservations. Because the subject matter is aimed at an adult audience, no young children please.

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