Did You Feel That? Quake Causes Tremors in Easton

EASTON, Conn. -- Mark Napoli was sitting at the Easton Village Store on Tuesday afternoon recounting his experience with the earthquake hours before. 

"I was at home sleeping with my dog when I felt the bed shaking," the Milford man said. "My dog jumped up and looked around and I said, 'Don't tell me we're having an earthquake.’ "

He said his dog, a Maltese named Stitch, was startled by the bed shaking. Napoli was at the Easton Village Store with Blanca Velazquez, who said she was driving during the earthquake and didn't feel any of it. 

Aimee Allen and her son, Austin, of Easton didn't feel the tremors in Easton, but Austin's grandfather, who lives in Virginia, did. 

"He lives in Great Falls, Va., and was sitting on the couch and felt the house shift back and forth," said Aimee Allen. "He used to live in Tokyo, so he's used to earthquakes. He said he wasn't too concerned because it was going side-to-side. He knew if it was shaking up and down he was [in trouble]."

Allen said her father-in-law didn't have any damage to his house and his neighbor had two pictures fall off of her wall. He was about 60 miles away from where the earthquake originated. 

The 5.9-magnitude quake hit at about 1:53 p.m. near Mineral, Va., according to the U.S. Geological Survey. 

Did you feel the earthquake? Send your story to or post it in the comments box below. 


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