Be Wary of Door-to-Door CL&P Reps in Weston

WESTON, Conn. – Westonites, along with all Connecticut Light & Power customers, have been asked by the utility company to be wary of people who may come to their home claiming to be from the company, said Mitch Gross, media spokesman for CL&P.

The utility company has not issued any exact locations where residents should be on the lookout but said that this is something that happens several times a year statewide.

CL&P clients have reported suspicious people coming to their residence, stating to be from the utility company, and asking various questions about personal information or offering storm credit to customers. They are not from CL&P, Gross said, “We very rarely go door to door and if we do you will see our credentials right away.”

“Just because someone says they are from us, doesn’t mean they are, don’t assume anything,” he said.

All CL&P employees carry company-issued identification, Gross said. In addition, any electrical contractors working with CL&P carry documentation explaining the nature and location of their work. If you have any doubt regarding the authenticity of a phone call or visit from a person claiming to be a representative of CL&P, call 800-286-2000.

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