Aggressive Coyotes Force Weston Parks Closings

WESTON, Conn. – Coyotes acting aggressively toward hikers prompted the Aspectuck Land Trust to close two of its parks Thursday and the town issued a Code Red alert to warn Weston citizens.

Taylor Woods park on Hunt Lane and Thorp Drive and the Tall Pines Preserve on Fanton Hill Road and Twin Walls were closed following reports from Weston Animal Control Officer Mark Harper that a mother coyote and her pups were following hikers and yelping at them, Aspetuck Land Trust executive director David Brant said.

“They were exhibiting odd behavior, so we decided to close down the parks in the interest of public safety,” he said. “The last thing we want is for anyone to get attacked or killed by coyotes.”

Brant contacted the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). “We requested a biologist to visit the site and make recommendations,” he said. “We want the coyotes to be trapped and relocated.”

He said the parks will remain closed until the Land Trust receives assistance from DEEP, which he said could be a couple of weeks.

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