5 Questions with Weston's Leader Gayle Weinstein

The Daily Weston sent five questions to First Selectman Gayle Weinstein, asking her to look ahead to her next term as first selectman of Weston. These are her answers:

1. Looking ahead to the next two years, where would you like to see the town going?

I am excited to be joined on the board by David Muller and Dennis Tracy. I know that the three of us will work together to continue on the path of fiscal responsibility, streamlining services for residents and working on a strategic plan to define infrastructure needs.

2. Is there anything you would like to see change in town?

I think Weston is great the way it is. We are always looking for ways to improve services — such as allowing people to pay taxes online — and will continue to do so. 3. Going into this winter, many residents are angered over the loss of power in town and the utility company's response. What would you like to say to the residents and what can be done to calm those fears?

I don’t blame the residents. We will be looking into alternative solutions to help residents, such as bulk purchases of generators at a discount price and alternative energy solutions. Until we can get CL&P to change their practices, we should all be a little fearful.

4. Do you have any regrets over the past term? Is there anything you would change?

With every decision I made, I thought to myself, “Can I sleep at night with this decision?” I based my decisions strictly on what I thought was best for the town: I’m very proud of that.

5. What excites you the most about returning as first selectman?

Continuing to realize the shared vision we all have for Weston. It has been an amazing journey where I have had the opportunity to meet and work with some incredible people.

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