'Moneyball' Hits It Out of the Park

Brad Pitt hits it out of the park in the new blockbuster “Moneyball.” He plays a man named Billy Beane who is a former major league baseball player. He is now the general manager of a low-budget team called the Oakland A's. The Yankees beat the A’s in the playoffs, causing them to lose their three best players. Billy now has to rebuild the team without the money that the other teams have.

When Billy meets Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), everything changes. Peter studied economics at Yale and has a strategy that he believes will give Billy a winning team. Even though everyone around them disagrees, they are headstrong in their theory and refuse to give up.

I am not a big fan of baseball or sports movies in general, but “Moneyball” kept my attention. It’s extremely interesting, and it makes you think. There are multiple laugh out loud moments, and others that may make you cry. Moreover, it’s based on a very touching true story.

I was astonished at Pitt’s performance. In my opinion, this is his best movie. He is incredibly believable in this role. In addition, it was great to see Hill play a more sophisticated role; he was impressive as well. This film was cast impeccably. 

My only complaint is that it can get slow at times. It’s a long movie, and a couple of scenes seem to drag. But the change of pace does fit with the tone of the storyline.

This film is timeless and appropriate for all ages. I give “Moneyball” a 9 out of 10 for its amazing acting and original story. You don’t have to love baseball to love this movie.

Katherine Grace Marra is a junior at Weston High School who reviews films from a teen's perspective on her blog

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