Low-Vision Seniors in Easton Get Aid From Aquarion

EASTON, Conn. – For some senior citizens in Easton, having low vision is a difficult issue. “It can be very depressing. They can’t read things like the paper and for many, that is their only contact to the outside world,” said Easton Senior Center Director Valerie Buckley.

But luckily, seniors will no longer have to struggle with eyesight issues, at least not at the Easton Senior Center. On Wednesday, Aquarion Water Co. donated nearly $3,000 to the Senior Center so that it can complete its Low Vision Project.

The project consists of two multimedia rooms at the senior center. One room includes large print books, puzzles, books on tape and an Optelec Reader, which is similar to an overhead projector.

“The seniors can come in, put a check or a business card down on the reader and it will blow up in size on the monitor, allowing them to read anything small or sign checks, which is normally things they cannot read very well,” Buckley said.

The Low Vision Project also has five large-screen monitors designed to allow the elderly to use the Internet without straining their eyes. “It’s very good. They can sit here, put things up on the computer and not have to squint or worry about scrolling up and down pages,” Buckley said.

With the $2,950 donation from Aquarion, the screen count will rise to seven. “We know that this is a popular place for seniors, and we know that something like this is needed here. We are very happy to help,” said Bruce Silverstone, Aquarion's vice president of corporate communications.  

Aquarion made the donation in the name of Marge Smith, a longtime Easton resident who was devoted to the Easton and Trumbull EMS agencies.

“This donation is in recognition of the 32 years that Marge has spent serving the town of Easton," Silverstone said Wednesday. "She has given more to the town than most people give in a lifetime.”

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