EASTON, Conn. At first I was dismayed about the prospect of a new property acquired by the town of Easton at the sole discretion of the Board of Selectmen. I personally feel that municipalities are ill-equipped to benefit from the leasing of its property.
Such a benefit requires more professional work than most municipalities have free access to. The access to such talent comes with a cost that is usually prohibitive when working with a municipal budget relying on employees of the town I feel that many of the employees of the town of Easton already contribute as much as they can to the smooth operation of the town, to ask more of them would be unfair as it would be unfair to ask for more money from the residents.
That being said, our government is designed and executed for the sole purpose of protecting it's citizens. The Board of Selectmen's efforts to solve this problem of taxes owed to the town by a person should be praised. The selectmen chose to pay attention to their humanitarian instinct instead of simply seeing the situation as monies to be recouped for the purpose of town spending.
When any government stops and considers the well-being of even one of their citizens, that consideration needs to be publicly applauded and encouraged. If there is any failure to be pointed out with regard to the situation at hand it is that there is no citizen-run organization in place that would allow the community to help the resident so the government does not have to.
If we take care of ourselves then the government can do what it does best. That is to collect taxes that pay to maintain public records and maintain the peace among us, the residents. I feel the spirit of the Easton community was in the board's decision and hope that, in the future, the residents can provide our community with more options for fellow residents who fall on hard times.
I am interested in starting a trust in Easton that would protect those late in life and provide property to those just starting out. Easton, as a community, needs an organization like this to thrive and remain the warm, beautiful town I have spent my life learning about and enjoying.
I feel our government does not have the resources to do this for all in town that would need it. It falls to us to show Town Hall that we can take care of it. As a citizen I must show the Board of Selectmen I have a constructive solution to the problem instead of just telling them that they cannot do this in the future.
I hope to do that, with the help of our community, before our town has to make any more of these difficult decisions. Please contact me with your ideas for helping our community.
Thank you Easton Board of Selectmen Thomas A. Herrmann, Robert H. Lessler and Scott S. Centrella for making the correct choice in this difficult situation.
Also a special thank you to Althea J Falco.
Sincerely, Art Greiser 314 Westport Road Easton, CT
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