Girl, 5, Has the Write Attitude

Budding author Juliet Landa turned out for the book signing at the Easton Library full of excitement. But it wasn't a signing for a book by Juliet. Little Juliet only 5, and so far her writing efforts consist only of stories penned for her 2-year-old sister Holly.

[The Easton Library community room was filled Thursday afternoon with a published author and many, like Juliet and Holly Landa, who just might become authors one day.]

Louisa Landa brought her daughters to the library Thursday after to the signing by her friend Keri Beckwith English. Keri's "More Than Chocolate" is about a mom who tries to express her love to her daughter, and it's inspired Juliet to start writing herself.

"When she got Keri's book, she said, 'Mommy, I want to write a book,' and she went immediately to write a book," said Louisa, who reads to her girls every day.

"Sometimes we won't even read the words, we'll just look at the pictures and think, 'What do you think is happening now. So we'll . . . match up what [their] thoughts are with the illustrations to see if it follows the story line. That's kind of a fun thing we'll do," the mom says.

She helps Juliet with word recognition while trying to get Holly to improve her attention span and follow the story.

But whenever they take out Keri's story, Juliet starts writing a book of her own, even though she is still learning to write her letters and spell, Louisa said as Juliet chewed a chocolate lollipop Keri gave to the kids.

"She makes up a story and then she'll come over and read the story to her sister that she just wrote with pages stapled together. She's practicing her letters, so she really enjoys writing and knowing how to spell. Not pictures, which would probably be more helpful for his sister, but it's kind of more about her."

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