Best Summer Memories Happen by the Shore

It's almost time to put the grill in the garage and the cover on the pool. But in these last days of summer, Weston residents are savoring their favorite memories of the hot summer months.

Joy Beckwith, the children's librarian at Weston Library, is remembering not only this summer, but also summers past. As a child, she spent the hottest season swimming off Maine's coast in the cold water, Beckwith said. "The waves were so wonderful, and the lifeguard would say to my mother, 'Mrs. McCarthy, we always know when you and the children are here because the only people in the water are the porpoises and your children,'" she said. "I love the beach, so any memory of saltwater is fine with me." Her favorite memories from this summer are going to the beach at Sherwood Island.

The past few hot days at Compo Beach are what Patsy Fissell has enjoyed the most. "Last weekend, we had the beautiful no humidity, until this week, when we got the humidity back. But Compo was at its best into September," she said. "The water's great."

"The hot weather can never last long enough," said Jeanne Piro, a monitor at Bisceglie-Scribner Pond who isn't ready to pack up her swimsuit and suntan lotion yet, even though the pond closes after Labor Day. One of the highlights of her summer was a pond party with a barbecue for all the park staff in July. "It's kind of like a big family picnic," she said. "I'll have a cooler with lemonade, and I always offer it to everybody, because we just want everybody to be hydrated."

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