The show, produced by "America's Got Talent" semifinalist Lightwire Theater, features glowing puppetry and dance. “Dino-Light” runs at 1 and 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 19, at the Westport Country Playhouse. Tickets are $20.
“Lightwire Theater, in conjunction with CORBiAN Visual Arts and Dance, has created some of the most innovative theater for young audiences I have ever seen,” said Angela Marroy Boerger, director of education and community programs. “Their shows are truly dazzling – even the parents in the audience can hardly look away. I could not be more elated to welcome Lightwire back to the Playhouse for ‘Dino-Light.’”
“Dino-Light” tells the story of Professor Henslow, a famous scientist who has magical powers and his latest creation, Darwin, a wild and primitive dinosaur. Although Henslow teaches him to walk, Darwin’s animal instincts eventually take over as he succumbs to his predatory nature.
Other upcoming Family Festivities presentations include “Sleeping Beauty Dreams,” on Sunday, Feb. 9, “Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly,” on Sunday, March 9, and “Seussical,” on Sunday, March 23.
For more information or tickets, call the box office at 203-227-4177, toll-free at 1-888-927-7529, or visit Westport Country Playhouse, 25 Powers Court, off Route 1 in Westport.
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