
Monday, Sept. 25

Not Over Yet: Here's How Much Longer Stormy Conditions From Ophelia Will Last Not Over Yet: Here's How Much Longer Stormy Conditions From Ophelia Will Last
Not Over Yet: Here's How Much Longer Stormy Conditions From Ophelia Will Last Post-Tropical Storm Ophelia will continue to affect much of the region with rain, heavy at times, and dangerous coastal conditions on Monday, Sept. 25, National Weather Service. "Through Monday, Ophelia will slow track back offshore off the mid-Atlantic states, prolonging the duration of wet weather and gusty winds," according to AccuWeather.com. "Although Ophelia will continue to lose wind intensity through the early week, gusty winds and drenching rain can continue to impact many communities near the coast from the mid-Atlantic into southern New England." For a radar image of the reg…