
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

Here's Where You Can You Go Near You On National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Here's Where You Can You Go Near You On National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
Here's Where You Can You Go Near You On National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Thousands of spare pills and other drugs will be collected throughout the country as part of National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. On Saturday, local, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies will be participating in the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, which will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. nationwide. It is the 16th iteration of the program. According to the DEA, “The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.2 million Americans misused contro…