
Kure Spa

Shake It Off: Norwalk’s Kure Spa Offers Vibrosaun Therapy Shake It Off: Norwalk’s Kure Spa Offers Vibrosaun Therapy
Shake It Off: Norwalk’s Kure Spa Offers Vibrosaun Therapy Ten years ago, Liz Lew found herself suffering from such extreme fatigue that she had to leave her job and spent 20 or more hours a day in bed. “I would take three steps and became exhausted,” said the Norwalk resident. “That’s why my life was like for many years.” After various traditional medicine cures didn’t work, Lew sought out alternative treatments. First she changed her diet, becoming a vegan (and temporarily a raw vegan), and then she discovered Vibrosaun, a pod (reminiscent of the "Mork from Ork" egg with your head sticking out) developed in Australia that delivers user-…