Some Fairfield County Homes Divided on Super Bowl

FAIRFIELD COUNTY, Conn. – With followers from both Super Bowl teams in Fairfield County, some households will have divided loyalties when kickoff rolls around on Sunday night.

Main Street Connect asked readers to weigh in if they had members of their house rooting for different teams, and here are some of the responses:

Deborah Pope Landsiedel wrote on The Daily Stamford’s wall: ”My family ... husband, daughter and myself are GIANTS fans! My son is a Patriots fan. After the GIANTS won last week I posted the following in my status: 'Let me tell you a story about a GIANTS mothers shame ... my shame. 12 years ago I gave birth to the most precious gift, my son. I raised him like a good GIANTS mom. I dressed him in GIANTS jerseys. Watched GIANTS games with him. And then it happened, my shame ... when he was about four years old he broke his mothers heart ... he would no longer put on the GIANTS jersey or cheer for Big Blue ... he informed me he was a PATRIOTS fan!!!!! The silver lining to this story is about two and a half years after my son, I gave birth to a daughter and repeated the process. I am proud to say this time it worked! ? ? GIANTS #1 ? ? " It was ugly in our house the last time the GIANTS rocked the Patriots in the Super Bowl. My son was young at the time and could not stay up late to watch the entire game. When the GIANTS won the Super Bowl, I created a poster to rub the win into my son's face. I hung it from the door jam in his room at eye level and woke him up telling him to go use the bathroom. As he stumbled half asleep into the poster he screamed! That poster reappeared a few times before he ripped it to shreds!”

Diahann Carol Gray-Bytops also commented on The Daily Stamford: “I am the only Patriots fan in a house of Giant fans!!!! same situation with the last time we had this Super Bowl matchup and almost won!!”

“Father vs. son in our house,’’ Debbie Byer Bucklan wrote on The Daily Wilton Facebook page. “It's going to be ugly!”

There are more Giants fans than Patriots fans in Fairfield County. Part of that supports traces to the 1970s when the team played its games at Yale University. In addition, Stamford’s Andy Robustelli had a Hall of Fame career while a member of the Giants. The team’s support is still solid in many Fairfield communities.

Mary-Jo Dorrian McAvey wrote on The Daily Fairfield Facebook page: “We are a wise and solid Giants household our neighbors are unfortunately rooting for the Losing team. GO BLUE.”

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