Westhill Dugout Work Falls Behind Schedule

The construction of the dugouts at Westhill High School’s baseball field has fallen behind pace slightly. A fire at Springdale School last week drew workers away from the field and to the classrooms, Al Barbarotta said at Monday night's Board of Education meeting.

“Classroom space comes before dugouts,” said Barbarotta, director of facilities management for the Stamford Public Schools.

The $100,000 renovation project is being done on a $25,000 budget, piecing the work together between other projects, Barbarotta said. Westhill will play its games at Cubeta Stadium until the renovation is completed.

The softball field’s condition also has come under fire recently with several complaints lodged about the outfield grass. Although Barbarotta admits the outfield needs to be redone, he said it has been inspected and deemed safe for play.

Some who complained said the softball team, which won the state championship last year, deserved a better field. Board member Richard Lyons II set people straight. “If the football team goes 0-10, do we take their football field away?” Lyons said.

The field is in such bad condition for two reasons, Barbarotta said. People playing soccer and other sports not meant to be played on a softball field are tearing up the grass and making impressions on the field. Also, the snow this past winter beat up the field, he said. “This time of year my lawn looks just as bad as that outfield."

What do you think of the condition of the fields at Westhill High School? Share your opinions below or e-mail them to reporter Anthony Buzzeo at

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