SAT Exams Will Take Place Saturday In Stamford

STAMFORD, Conn. — Even though schools were closed all week after Hurricane Sandy, the SAT exams will take place Saturday at Stamford High School and Westhill High School, Superintendent Winifred Hamilton said Friday.

Students will be taking the SAT exams Saturday in Stamford at Stamford High School and Westhill High School.

Students will be taking the SAT exams Saturday in Stamford at Stamford High School and Westhill High School.

Photo Credit: File

The exams will start at 7:30 a.m., and students will need to report with their ticket and photo identification, she said.

Four schools in the city Friday were without power — Northeast, Roxbury, Davenport Ridge and the Academy of Information, Technology & Engineering, Hamilton said.

Buses will drive the different routes Saturday to make sure they can pickup children safely next week, she said.

Hamilton will not decide whether schools will open Monday until all roads are cleared and safe, and the schools all have power. She said she expects a decision to be made by Sunday morning at the latest.

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