Workout Program Pushes Stamford Teens to the Limit

STAMFORD, Conn. — Teenagers usually aren't up and about at 6 in the morning. However, some 15 boys routinely arrive at the Stamford YMCA at that hour to work out with Francky Trofort in his “Be Part of the Solution” program.

“Some kids in the summer sleep until like 10 o’clock, I am not kidding,” Trofort said, amazed that everyone is not awake and ready to go at the crack of dawn.

But Trofort's kids aren't at the Y for long, just enough to do some stretching before Trofort brings them out onto Bell Street, where he has two tires waiting. One is large, the other smaller and attached to a chain and handle so it can be pulled. The kids have to move the tires up Bell to Atlantic Street to Tresser Boulevard to Washington Boulevard and back to the Y. 

After a few repetitions with each tire, they run around the block. Then they take another turn with a tire. With his more experienced students, Trofort adds variations, such as doing push-ups or jumping on the tire.

Throughout the 45-minute workout, Trofort maintains an ear-to-ear smile, often laughing as his students whine, moan and push themselves through the workout. But he gives them constant encouragement and motivation.

“You’re going to remember this when the game is on the line next season,” he tells a student who did not want to do as many repetitions as Trofort asked.

The early-morning workouts aim to do more than improve physical fitness. Trofort said they also develop a work ethic and discipline, which will help them strive to achieve anything they set out to do.

“It’s the most positive thing people have ever seen,” he said.

When the summer ends, the classes won’t. Trofort plans on moving them indoors once the weather won't allow outdoor training. As long as the kids show up, he will run the program. 

What do you do to stay fit and discipline yourself? Share your fitness tips and experiences below or send them to reporter Anthony Buzzeo at

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