Stamford Senators: Education Reform Leads Session

STAMFORD, Conn. — With Gov. Dannel Malloy promising $128 million to improve education throughout Connecticut, Stamford’s two state senators say they will be working to improve schools throughout the state during the legislation session that started Wednesday.

“The governor is naming this session, ‘The Education Session,’” said state Sen. L. Scott Frantz, whose 36th District also covers parts of New Canaan and Greenwich.

“I hope it affects our area positively,” said state Sen. Carlo Leone, whose 27th District includes part of Darien. The governor and the education committee are off to a good start, bringing the right people together to begin looking into changes, Leone said.

Though education will be at the forefront, Frantz expects the conversation to change to the budget with the state facing a nearly $150 million deficit. If that is not addressed, the state will not have the resources to improve education, he said.

Frantz said he wants to reduce the deficit without raising taxes and make it more affordable to live and work in the state. “We are going to be working our tails off to make sure we don’t go through another round of tax increases,” he said of his fellow legislators.

Leone disagreed, saying the state’s budget will end the year in the black and called talk of a deficit a “fear tactic” by Republicans.

As chair of the Veterans Committee, Leone is also looking to expand services the state provides to those leaving the armed forces, especially now that they are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Frantz said the legislature is also looking for improvements in power restoration after bad storms by coordinating between Connecticut Light & Power and municipalities.

The session which started Wednesday, continues through May 9, says the state’s general assembly website

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