Stamford Charter Panel Stays Firm on Fire Service

STAMFORD, Conn. — Despite the pleas of a volunteer fire chief during a public hearing Tuesday night, Stamford’s Charter Revision Committee did not give the volunteers an appeal process to challenge the decision of a lone fire chief for the Stamford Fire Department.

John Didelot, chief of Belltown Volunteer Fire Department, was worried the volunteers would not get an equal voice and suggested the creation of a board to hear complaints that take place with the volunteer chiefs and top chief.

Although several commission members expressed similar concerns as Didelot, they ultimately said a board was not needed because those conflicts would be management issues and become the chief’s responsibility.

“A single department should have a single chain of command,” said Dudley Williams, a commission member.

Under the drafted revisions, there would be one professional chief responsible for fire service to the city, with two assistant chiefs: one volunteer and one professional. The volunteer chiefs would run the day-to-day operations of their houses while reporting to the chief.

In another matter, Jim Kelly and city Rep. John Zelinsky, D-11, said the mayor should not have term limits.

“If he’s doing well, let him keep in place, and if not he’ll be voted out,” Kelly said during the hearing.

Commission Co-Chairman Vincent Freccia opposed the idea, believing the public should decide whether they wanted term limits. Commission member Rich “Bud” Roseman disagreed, saying that he believes that people would vote based on their personal opinion on the person currently in the position.

The commission vote was 7-7, allowing it to pass, removing the suggested amendment to the city’s charter.

The Charter Revision Commission has until May 22 to submit the drafted report to the Board of Representatives, which will then evaluate it and hold a public hearing before sending its input back to the commission. The commission will then re-evaluate the board’s suggestions and make changes as it sees fit, then the board will decide what will go on the ballot in November.

If the Board of Representatives does not have any input on the drafted report, it will become the final copy and not go back to the commission.

Click here to view the “easy read” version of the drafted report or visit the commission’s website for more information. 

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