Republicans Seek Tea Party Votes

When Stamford resident Tristan Kelley votes in the Republican primary next Tuesday, he wants to make an informed decision. So he and more than 40 Tea Party supporters from Stamford, Greenwich and other towns met with Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley Monday to discuss issues like job creation, tax reform and budget deficits.

Peter Schiff, the GOP candidate for the United States Senate, also attended the meeting at Southport Brewing Company. In separate presentations, the candidates addressed issues like reforming state and federal immigration policy, addressing education inequalities, reducing government size and making Connecticut a better place for businesses.

"You really got people interested in the races," Foley told the Tea Party voters, "you really got people concerned about the issues."

Schiff asked voters to make phone calls, put out lawn signs or donate money to help get his name out before Tuesday's primary. "I think they're making a difference," he said of the Tea Party, "hopefully they'll make enough of a difference to elect me."

Tristan Kelley attended the meeting with his father, Robert, who is concerned about the state of the economy and unemployment. When asked why he was attending the Tea Party meeting, Robert simply replied: "My son." Though Tristan has only been a voter for one year, he takes his responsibility seriously. He often attends Tea Party events, knocks on doors asking neighbors to vote for candidates he supports, and in February, he even wore a Captain America costume to celebrate a Tea Party rally.

Like his father, Tristan is worried about the economy and unemployment rates. "I see big government, I see Obama, and it's not fair for them to be spending my money that I haven't even earned yet," Tristan said.

Last week, the Greenwich-Stamford Tea Party met with Michael Fedele and next week they will speak with Oz Griebel, both Republican candidates for governor.

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