Reports Indicate Gunman Targeted Felder

Stamford resident Louis Felder apparently was the target of a gunman who killed Felder and eight others – including himself – after an employment meeting at Hartford Distributors in Manchester Tuesday. Felder, 50, of Pepper Ridge Road, was operations director for the beer distribution company, according to published reports. The gunman, 34-year-old Omar Thornton, worked there as a driver.

Felder was one of three people other than Thornton at the meeting, according to reports. All were shot. The two other meeting attendees were Bryan Cirigliano, president of Local 1035, who was killed, and Steve Hollander, who survived after being shot twice, according to reports. Hollander's family owns the company. Cirigliano attended the meeting as Thornton's representative.

At the meeting, Thornton viewed videotaped evidence that allegedly shows him stealing from the company warehouse. He was told he had the choice of being fired or resigning, according to reports. Shortly after resigning he opened fire, using a gun he apparently had brought with him and stored in his lunchbox, according to reports.

Those close to Thornton, who is black, said he had been racially harassed at work. However, company and union officials dismiss that claim, saying Thornton never filed a formal complaint, published reports say.

Felder, the married father of three teenagers and a member of Stamford's Orthodox Jewish community, was the first of the victims to be buried. More than 600 attended his funeral at Agudath Sholom Synagogue Wednesday. During the service, he was touchingly remembered as a man who was full of life and completely devoted to his family, friends and community.

"While he always pushed us to be the best we could be, he was always there for us," said Felder's son, Gabriel. "My father believed everyone around him had the greatest potential."

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