Big Spending Drives His Vote

Stamford resident Bryan Jean was certain of one thing. He wanted to vote Tuesday for "the Tea Party candidates" across the board. Although there is no official Tea Party voter affiliation -- and if there were, it would be outside the scope of the Democrat-or-Republican-only primary election -- Jean was undeterred.

"Primarily, I'm going to vote for Peter Schiff," said Jean, the owner of a small business who described himself as "a Tea Party person." Jean said he's been a Schiff supporter ever since he heard the Republican U.S. Senate candidate speak at a Hartford Tea Party event in April, and he wholeheartedly agrees with Schiff's emphasis on reducing taxes and government spending.

"I'm for anything that has to do with cutting government spending. I'm sick of the spending and I'm sick of the taxes," said Jean, who voted at Stamford High School, the District 10 polling station.

Jeff Tatton voted there as well. For him, the top issue is safety. Not homeland security, but personal and vehicular safety. He'd like to see slower speed limits, stricter enforcement of laws on vehicle cell phone use, better standards for vehicle side mirrors and seat belts required on school buses.

"Every occupant in a motor vehicle must have a seat belt. Why don't they have them for school buses?" asked Tatton, a former school bus driver and father of two, a son and daughter now in their 20s.

"My kids both went here [Stamford High] to school. The safety of every child should be everybody's business. I can't push that enough."

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