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Stamford Resident Helps GE Give Back

STAMFORD, Conn. - Danette Melchionne, a lifelong resident of Stamford, is a true believer in giving back to the community that she’s called home for over 40 years. And Melchionne’s beliefs are more than just credence: in addition to her work as Community Relations Coordinator for GE Asset Management, Danette spearheads the United Way campaign that raised $285,000 for the community last year alone.

“We try to make it fun,” says Melchionne. “We do things like create pingpong tournaments, an online auction, and dunking booths where people can dunk a GE exec,” she adds. One of the major initiatives, the Third Annual United at the Cove 5K which will be taking place Thursday, September 20, 2012, is a walk/run for GE employees, as well as local residents.

Melchionne has coordinated the United Way efforts for 10 years and has plans to help them expand. One of the most remarkable elements of United Way is the way it helps families in need, she says. "Instead of just feeding money to people, and putting a Band-Aid on the problem, United Way aims to fix the problem," Melchionne says, highlighting focus areas of the organization such as education, childhood obesity and financial planning for underprivileged families.

And United Way isn’t the only beneficiary of Melchionne’s efforts. She is on the GE volunteers council, coordinating volunteer opportunities at local nonprofits for some of the 400 employees in the Stamford GE office. She also volunteers at local soup kitchens and holds a seat on two PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) boards at her children's schools.

She notes that taking part in community affairs isn’t just a good thing to do - it’s the right thing to do.

“It takes a village to raise a child,” adds Melchionne. “And you need a successful community.”

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, United Way Of Western Connecticut. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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