Letter: Stamford's William Tong Opposes Gov. Walker's Divisive Ways

STAMFORD, Conn. — The Daily Voice accepts signed, original letters to the editor. Email them to

William Tong, Democrat candidate for Mayor, is against how Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker conducts business. Walker will be in Stamford Monday night for the Prescott-Bush Fundraising Dinner.

William Tong, Democrat candidate for Mayor, is against how Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker conducts business. Walker will be in Stamford Monday night for the Prescott-Bush Fundraising Dinner.

Photo Credit: Contributed

In Stamford, we do things differently than how Governor Walker does it in Wisconsin. We don’t accept his extreme brand of politics or his divisive approach to governing.

We don’t attack workers looking to organize for a decent wage. We respect our hard-working men and women. We don’t slash funding for our schools to pay for tax breaks for big business. We make our kids and teachers a priority. We don’t take away workers' pensions to balance the budget; we honor our commitments.

In Stamford, we know the right way to get something done is listen to our neighbors and work together. I hope all my opponents join me in standing against Governor Walker’s brand of extremist, divisive politics.

William Tong, Democrat Candidate for Mayor

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