OK. The phone calls have been made. The door-to-door canvassing has concluded. The visits to speak to congregations have ceased. Now what? If you came out to vote on November 2nd and your candidate was fortunate enough to come out on top even after the debacle in Bridgeport, your work has only begun. You did what you had to do. You voted! I congratulate you for participating in the process that so many of us take for granted. But now after the voting process has ended, your work, if you voted, has only begun. Those who will be sworn in come January 2011 are there because of you, if you voted. Please don't let them forget about you! You wanted our vote, we voted, you won and now it is time for you to make us believe we didn't make a mistake in casting our vote for you. We need to hold those politicians accountable for the conditions of our communities. We need to hold those politicians accountable for the conditions of our education system. We need to hold those politicians accountable for the conditions of our health care system. WE NEED TO HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR EVERYTHING! I did my part in Getting Out The Vote (GOTV) in this community and I am pleased to say that the people in the Stamford Community came out in good numbers. Now let's not sit back and think our voice will only be needed for the next election. You came out to vote for them now let's hold them accountable. If you have any concerns about your community let's put those elected officials to the test. Call on them! Put them to the test! If you feel they are neglecting those in your communities, for pete's sake, don't vote for them again. No matter how much they show up in your churches in the weeks before the election. Your vote should be cast for someone that you think will help you. If they don't help, they don't get your vote. Now that the dust has settled let's keep the pressure on those that have been blessed with another chance to prove we did not waste our vote on them. In closing let me remind you that the education of our children should be the number one priority. Do me a favor. Attend a Board of Education Meeting. You will be amazed at what goes on in the process of educating our children. It will be an eye-opening experience for you. There is something about looking into the eyes of the Board of Education members while they make important decisions concerning our children. Although you will be given an opportunity to voice your concerns, you don't have to speak. Just sit there and observe the process. These are our children and communities that will be affected by the decisions made during these meetings. You also voted to put them in office. Thanks for listening to me. Talk to you soon. Jack Bryant, PresidentStamford NAACP
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