The 80-minute comedic show is a collection of Grodin's remembrances and recollections spanning his 50-some years in the business "There are no written jokes," he said. "It's just things that happened to me on the way up."
This includes a time early in his career when a director told him five minutes before he was supposed to go on stage, "If you're going to continue doing what you're doing, you’re going to make a fool out of yourself." Lucky he had the self-confidence to continue. The punchline? Two years later, he was working with Robert Redford and two months later, the director was working as an interior decorator.
Along with remembering everything -- the Wilton resident doesn't use notes at all -- he saved everything. So, he said he sits in a "nice chair, shows some clips (of him with Jay Leno, David Letterman, and so on) and talks "incessantly," a word his fifth grade teacher reprimanded him with back in the day.
"I love talking," he said, "Which is why a one-man show for me is great." (He also likes sitting.)
What may surprise people the most -- and is not so much in his show but usually occurs in the audience questions after -- is his advocacy work dealing with a range of social justice causes. He's been involved with the Bedford Correctional Facility, the Rockefeller Drug Laws and the felony murder rule.
And he's still acting, most recently appearing with Ben Stiller, Naomi Watts and Adam Driver in the recently released "While We’re Young." (He plays Watts' father.) He also does the occassional appearance on the Louis C.K show, along with commentating and writing.
"I don't like to travel," he said. "I like to be home."
Tickets range from $25 to $55 with all proceeds going to Lend a Hand Foundation. Call the box office at 203-438-5795 or visit
Ticket holders can enjoy a special $45 prix-fixe menu at Bernard’s at 20 West Lane in Ridgefield on the day of this event when tickets are presented. Reservations are suggested.
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