"Sloth" is part of "The Seven Deadly Sins," the first programmatic collaboration between the Fairfield/Westchester Museum Alliance, a group of arts institutions in Connecticut and New York, according to a press release. The Aldrichs installation will open with a free reception July 19. The museum is at 258 Main St, Ridgefield.
Each museum will present a different sin through a series of exhibitions and programs: at the Bruce Museum, Greenwich (Pride); and in New York at Hudson River Museum, Yonkers (Envy); Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill (Lust); Katonah Museum of Art (Gluttony); Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase (Greed); and Wave Hill, the Bronx (Wrath), according to a press release.
Bigert and Najafi will not address sloth thematically, but have instead opted to advance human understanding by offering visitors the opportunity to inhabit the sin on the first-floor and porch of The Aldrichs historic, 1783 Old Hundred building, according to a press release.
Using the latest Western technologies, including swivel recliners, television monitors, gin, ice and tonic, The Aldrich is inviting visitors to put aside their maps, rest their feet, and learn about all the sins in shady, air-conditioned comfort, according to a press release.
Bigert and Najafi will present six short documentary-style videos featuring the curator from each institution speaking in the galleries about their approach to the specific sin and describing key individual works in their show.
"This exhibition series may highlight the seven deadly sins, but it also shows the virtues of collaboration between the diverse, high quality arts institutions in our area," said Aldrich Executive Director Alyson Baker in a press release. "By partnering in this way, we hope to encourage reciprocal visitation and forge pathways that will continue to be well traveled between these cultural treasures in Fairfield and Westchester.
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