The film, written by Scotts Ridge Middle School Principal Tim Salem, "explores the process a film goes through before it gets made," according to the release from Ridgefield Playhouse. The film's actors will participate in an on-stage reading at 7 p.m., Oct. 3, at the Ridgefield Playhouse.
"Put It Into Words" is about "a teen-ager struggling to find his identity in a coming-of-age scenario. His inner turmoil puts him into direct conflict at home and in school as his passage intersects with five other lives that are dramatically altered as a result of their relationship with him. The character of the teacher in the film is the inspiration for the tormented teen to follow his heart and make decisions that are right for him, despite being pulled in different directions by loved ones and friends," according to a plot synopsis from the Ridgefield Playhouse. ?
A cocktail reception will take place in the lobby before the event. For tickets ($30, includes cocktail reception), call the box office at 203-438-5795, or visit the Ridgefield Playhouse website.
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