The Saturday show is set to begin at 12:55 p.m. and the Sunday show is scheduled for noon. The Live in HD Series is underwritten by Jeanne Cook, Anita and Nicholas Donofrio, Liz and Steven Goldstone, Marilyn and Joe Kreitz, Joanne and John Patrick, Starbucks Coffee, Sabina and Walter Slavin, Taylor Zemo Foundation, The Ridgefield Press and Whistle Stop Bakery.
"Two of opera’s greatest artists, Jonas Kaufmann and Sophie Koch, will appear together in Massenet’s sublime adaptation of Goethe’s revolutionary and tragic romance, Werther, which will be shown Live in HD from the Met," representatives said. "A unique behind-the-scenes tour of the grand opera house takes place during intermission including interviews with the stars."
Tickets are $25 for adults, $20 for seniors/members, $15 for students, and $18 each for all 10 in the series. For tickets call the box office at 203-438-5795, or order online at The Ridgefield Playhouse website.
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