
New York’s 3rd District

Ex-Rep. Santos To Plead Guilty In Federal Trial: Reports Ex-Rep. Santos To Plead Guilty In Federal Trial: Reports
Ex-Rep. Santos To Plead Guilty In Federal Trial: Reports Former Republican Rep. George Santos is expected to plead guilty to federal charges weeks ahead of…
Ousted Rep Santos Celebrates 'Squad' Member's 'Humiliating' Loss: 'We're Coming To Get You' Ousted Rep Santos Celebrates 'Squad' Member's 'Humiliating' Loss: 'We're Coming To Get You'
Ousted Rep Santos Celebrates 'Squad' Member's 'Humiliating' Loss: 'We're Coming To Get You' Former Rep. George Santos may have been banished out into…
Special Election: Democrats Pick Nominee For NY Congressional District Held By George Santos Special Election: Democrats Pick Nominee For NY Congressional District Held By George Santos
Special Election: Democrats Pick Nominee For NY Congressional District Held By George Santos Democrats have nominated former Rep. Tom Suozzi as their…

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