New Canaan School Board Weighs Changes To Calendars

NEW CANAAN, Conn. – New Canaan families who enjoy long ski trips in February may have to change their plans if proposed changes to the 2013-14 calendar are put in place.

Shortening February vacation, holding classes on Columbus Day and ending school a day earlier are among the changes the New Canaan Board of Education is considering. 

The school board had its first read of the proposed changes at its meeting Monday. Under the plan, the school year would end June 11, 2014, a day earlier than the calendar approved in December. It would also eliminate the last three days of the February vacation — Feb. 19 to 21 — with Feb. 14, 2014, remaining as a half-day for classes and a half-day for professional development.

The change would also call for classes on Oct. 14, 2013, Columbus Day, and the school year would have seven built-in weather days. Similar changes were recommended for the 2014-15 school year, which would end June 15, 2015, and have nine days built in to cover weather-related closures.

Many of the changes were suggested as a safeguard for possible weather closures and to provide time to finish capital projects at school buildings, Superintendent Mary Kolek said.

Board member Jim Kucharczyk suggested keeping the full week in February while shortening the April vacation. “My experience is that New Canaanites love their ski vacations,” he said.  

Kucharczyk also warned about starting school after Labor Day because the board had already fought successfully to begin classes before the end of summer holiday. “That’s a door you should open cautiously,” he said.

Board member Scott Gress didn’t like losing either vacation, saying parents value the time with their children and school custodial staff get time to clean the buildings.

“A full week in February means a break for the facilities, allowing for a cleansing of germs,” he said, noting that absenteeism on Feb. 19 to 21 would be high. “I think it’s ill-advised to take away the vacation time that we have."

The school board will continue discussions at its Feb. 27 meeting.

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