One voter who spoke Thursday night put it best: "I'm glad to see you wore your Kevlar." U.S. Rep. Jim Himes (D-4th District) held a Town Hall meeting Thursday night at New Canaan High School to hear his constituents' concerns about the government's budget crisis. About three dozen residents spoke, and most took out their frustrations on Himes.
"This is what happens in a highly politicized environment," Himes said after one heated exchange. By the end of the night, he said the debate was "a sign of the vibrancy of our democracy."
Himes began by introducing former U.S. Comptroller General David M. Walker, who gave a presentation on the federal government's budget crisis. Walker said that, as the interest on foreign debts and obligations to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid build, the deficit would keep rising.
Voters then spoke. Some questioned Himes' early support for bank bailouts. Others questioned his support for President Obama's health care reform bill. But many, like Norwalk's Joe Kramer, questioned Congressional deficit spending.
"There was a gentleman here who made a comment about the government spending money like a drunken sailor," Kramer said. "I have to disagree. When a drunken sailor runs out of money, he stops spending."
Himes said he felt the only solution would be to return to the Clinton-era "Pay/Go" system, where any new government spending would have to be paid for by cuts to other parts of the budget or a tax increase. He also advocated massive budget cuts, including a bill he proposed that would cut $70 billion from defense, transportation, housing and urban development, agriculture, and other areas.
"But guess what happens when you get specific about cuts," Himes said. "All hell breaks loose. Not because congressmen and senators are craven, but because they represent constituents who have interests."
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