Ordinance Proposed to Govern New Canaan's Trees

NEW CANAAN, Conn. -- Dorrie Plotnick likes the greenery lining the streets of downtown New Canaan. “I love trees,” said a laughing Plotnick, a sales clerk at Varnum’s Pharmacy on Main Street.

So she’s pleased to hear that Tree Warden Bruce Pauley wants to make sure every tree is in its proper place.

The tree warden has drafted a law that would ensure any sapling can grow to its full potential and not wreak havoc on property or businesses.

The ordinance would create a town tree board that would work with the tree warden to study and create a plan for the care, preservation, planning and removal of trees and shrubs in public areas. The plan would be presented annually to the town council.  

The rules would outline where trees can be placed and require people to care for a tree for five years after planting it. After that, the town would maintain the tree. The rules would not apply to trees on private property.

“Anyone who does plant a tree should have to care for it,” Plotnick said, adding that would-be tree planters should go before a town board first to get permission.

Knowing which trees are where in New Canaan can save a lot of headaches, Pauley said. For instance, several Bradford pears planted on Main Street shouldn't be there because they can break and block storefronts. 

“It’s one of those things that, until it’s done, it’s business as usual," Pauley said of the proposed ordinance. "The wrong trees are planted in the wrong places and it creates problems for people down the road.”

Pauley expects that members of the current tree ordinance committee would likely join a tree control board once it’s been established.

What would you like to see in a proposed tree management ordinance? Let us know by leaving a comment below or visiting our Facebook page.

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