New Canaan Resident, Energy Analyst Beutel Dies

NEW CANAAN, Conn. – New Canaan resident Peter Beutel, founder of the energy research and risk management firm Cameron Hanover, died Friday night at his home, according the Cameron Hanover website. Beutel was 56.

Beutel, son of longtime WABC news anchor Bill Beutel, was an oil analyst for 30 years. He founded Cameron Hanover in 1995. The New Canaan-based firm provides analysis of crude oil, natural gas and other energy markets. He also published the "Daily Energy Hedger."

Vince Lanci, Beutel’s business partner at Cameron Hanover and managing partner at FMX Connect, described Beutel as a man who was caring and had a wealth of knowledge on the energy industry. He was also someone who his clients could call on at any time.

“He was a kind and deferential man. He was extremely intelligent, but humble and modest,” Lanci said. “He was without compare. He wrote a daily report for 15 years. You could fill books with his knowledge just on those reports alone.” 

Ted David, a semi-retired news anchor on News 12 Long Island who also worked at CNBC for 20 years, first met Beutel when Peter was 12. David worked as a desk assistant at WABC, and Peter would come by to visit his father.

David said Beutel was generous with his time and knowledge, willing to help his friends and was routinely sought out by networks to discuss energy.

David added that Beutel would always keep a makeup kit in his briefcase in case he was asked to go on television at a moment’s notice.

“It’s a terrible loss,” David said. “He was very capable of taking complex subjects and explaining them in everyday language for everyday people – and at the same time, being very kind and generous while doing so.”

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