Girls Knit Together New Skill at Library

Fifth- and sixth-grade girls learned to knit at the New Canaan Library this week, with the help of a little rhyme.

"You go under the fence, catch the sheep, through the door and off we leap," they chanted in unison when asked how they made such items as bracelets and mini-purses. The girls participated in the library's third annual knitting camp, run by librarian Ellen Harvey.

"It's been really good this year," says Ellen, who also teaches teen and adult knitting classes at the library and around town. "They're making stuff, they have imagination, they have ideas."

Dominika, 11, made a sweater for her stuffed animal in just two days. Since attending last year's camp, Dominika has used her knitting skills to make bags and scarves, and she was happy to return to the camp this week. "It's kind of fun—there's yarn and we get to make our own needles," she says. On Monday, Ellen dedicated the lesson to sanding, waxing and decorating wooden dowels to use as needles.

Katie, 11, attended the camp for the first time. "At first I had a bit of trouble, but then it was much easier," she says. Katie is working on a pouch this week, though the plan evolved as she worked. "I just started knitting and I wasn't sure what it was going to be," she says.

Another camper, 10-year-old April, noticed several holes in a piece she was knitting, so she decided to turn it into an apron for her stuffed bear. "April's trash is this little bear's treasure," says her friend Rachel, 11. The camp sparked Rachel's passion for knitting, and she says she will practice her new skill after the camp ends today. "I'm obsessed with knitting now."


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