GREENWICH, Conn. Here are phone numbers Greenwich residents should keep with them as Hurricane Irene approaches:
? Emergency Life Threatening Situations: 911
? Power Outages should be reported to Connecticut Light & Power: (800) 286-2000.
? Aquarion Water Company: (800) 732-9678
? Northeast Utilities: (203) 386-2000
? Connecticut Natural Gas Company: (203) 869-6900
Local Non-Emergency Phone Numbers
? Town of Greenwich: (203) 622-7700
? Greenwich Department of Health, Division of Environmental Services: (203) 622-7838
? Greenwich Fire Department non-emergency: (203) 622-3950
? Greenwich Police Department non-emergency: (203) 622-8003
? Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Service: (800) 379-7700
? Department of Parks and Recreation Tree Division: (203) 622-7824
? Greenwich Chapter, American Red Cross: (203) 622-8444
? Greenwich Department of Social Service: (203) 622-3800
? Greenwich Hospital: (203) 863-3000
? Connecticut Poison Control: (800) 222-1222
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