Feces found in RTM "Baba Booey" Critic's Mailbox

A bag of feces was found Sunday in the mailbox of a Greenwich Representative Town Meeting member who had criticized Howard Stern’s satellite radio show during nomination proceedings for the shock jock’s sidekick, Gary “Baba Booey” Dell’Abate, to the town’s Parks and Recreation Board.

Coline Jenkins, great-great-granddaughter of suffragette Elizabeth Cady Stanton, publicly censured the show’s portrayal of women last week. On Sunday morning, Jenkins found a bag of fecal matter, of unknown origin, in her mailbox and a note saying, “Ha Ha!! U Stink!!! Go Howard,” according to a letter in Greenwich Time.

Last Tuesday, Representative Town Meeting members had quizzed Dell'Abate about the explicit content of the "Howard Stern Show." On his Wednesday morning, broadcast Stern bashed RTM members, in particular Jenkins.

“It’s terrible,” Dell’Abate said in an article published in Greenwich Time on Monday. “I feel very badly about it. … I wouldn’t want anybody to do that, nor did I ask for anybody to do that.”

Dell'Abate, 49, has lived in Greenwich for more than 15 years and has two children in Greenwich public schools. He was nominated in January by a unanimous vote of the Board of Selectman. Dell’Abate needs a full vote from all 230 RTM members to be appointed to the Parks and Recreation Board.

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