Take a Ride With Selectman Drew Marzullo

As a Greenwich selectman, Drew Marzullo’s life can be stressful. His favorite way to decompress is vegging out in his car. “I pull into the parking lot on Strickland Road and I do a lot of reading, listen to talk radio, or take a nap,” he said. “It’s mental, I know.”

Marzullo, 40, the sole Democrat on the Board of Selectmen, announced last week that he would run for re-election. “At the time, I thought I’d be able to offer something different,” said Marzullo. “I’ve been in office a year-and-a-half and it’s still a learning curve.”

His part-time position as a selectman -- the other selectmen are David Theis and First Selectman Peter Tesei -- allows him to continue working as a full-time paramedic for Greenwich Emergency Medical Service. He said the two positions complement one another.

“I have really been in the homes of people all over Greenwich, from the backcountry to low-income housing,” he said. “It’s great because, when you’re able to help somebody during a crisis, you’re able to see the positive end result, most of the time.”

In both roles, Marzullo said he has met some interesting and frank people. Many years ago, Marzullo received a call on Sound Beach Avenue, where an elderly woman was walking and passed out in a bush. They rushed her to the hospital, but she died. The woman had a twin sister, and when they broke the news to her, she had something odd to say. “She asked us, ‘I have a question, where did you find her?’ We were confused, but she wanted to know which direction her feet were facing because she wanted to make sure she deposited the Social Security check,” he said. “You can’t make this stuff up in terms of someone’s brutal honesty.” 

As an EMT, Marzullo also met his partner, Reynold, 19 years ago at Greenwich Hospital, where Reynold works as a physician’s assistant. He said the two enjoy traveling all over the world and food. “Of course, I enjoy food, look at me,” said Marzullo, laughing. “My partner is Indian, so we love Indian food. His mother’s a fantastic cook.”

Marzullo, his mother and Reynold are currently fostering a 9-month-old, and he said the bond and love with the child helps put perspective on what really matters.

During this year’s campaign, Marzullo said the focus will be on quality-of-life issues in Greenwich. “Talk is happening right now about budget cuts and what we can afford — a central fire station, or a new auditorium at the high school, or tree maintenance,” said Marzullo “I think we need to have an honest discussion about where we want Greenwich to be in three or four or five years, and it’s going to cost money, so how are we going to pay for it?”

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