Greenwich Mom Wants To Get You Organized

Feeling overwhelmed in your home in the wake of the holidays? Staring at piles of paperwork and receipts where your desk should be? Laurie Meek, Greenwich mom and sole owner of LNM Home and Office Management, wants to help put your life in order.

“I’d like to say it comes naturally, but it doesn’t,” she said. “You have to have a desire to be organized. … Everyone has their bad days, but when things are neat and tidy and presentable, then I can sit down and relax.”

Hailing from the Midwest, Meek moved to Greenwich after college. While raising two young children, she decided to start a business geared toward organizing home offices. After a brief hiatus five years ago, she was convinced by Beth Schlater, an old sorority sister from Ohio Wesleyan University, to push the restart button on her professional life. “I was afraid of getting burnt out again,” said Meek. “But we took the plunge and everything changed overnight.” 

Meek’s company has grown to include seven employees and clients from all different economic backgrounds and with different needs. But there is one common challenge. “A lot of people have their guard up, understandably,” said Meek. “You have to take it at their speed because it can be extremely disheartening to have things moved around. So we need to be exceptionally sensitive that we’re in their space.”

Meek writes an organizational blog on LNM’s website that offers tips of the day on setting goals for success and managing projects. For example, “For your New Year’s resolution, set out to organize your sock drawer, not your life.” Meek said she always thinks of her busy friends who have kids to rear, jobs to do, homes to run and not a lot of time to spare.

In October, Meek started organizational online “boot camps,” giving assignments each day from cleaning out your junk drawer to polishing the silver early before family parties. This month, Meek is offering mini boot camps that run for a week at a time and focus on household and home office projects. “They’re little things that can help in a big way, and the fact that I haven’t set foot in their house and I’m still helping feels awesome,” said Meek.  

As a working mom, Meek said her biggest organizational challenge tends to be her children. “A lot of moms struggle with their kids rooms, but I have definitely decided over the years to pick my battles,” she said.

Be part of the conversation: what could you use help organizing in your life?


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