A Mom Takes to the Blogosphere

First-time mom Connie Scholl Kurczewski has her hands full learning to juggle the responsibilities of work, family and a 1- year-old son, cheering on the Yankees, maintaining a green lifestyle and trying to eat healthy. Oh yeah, she also finds the time to write a blog on mommyhood!

"You could be the smartest woman out there," said Kurczewski, "but when it comes to having a baby, sometimes you just feel completely stupid."

Kurczewski, a former massage therapist, started her "Greenwich Mommy" blog six months after giving birth to her son Timothy. It began as a way to keep family and friends up to date and show pictures of her new family. Soon she found herself tweeting and blogging to moms going through the same things.

"It helped me identify with being a mom," she said. "It was a way for me to put it out there and call myself a mommy and also [was] how I found myself in the role of being a mom."

Kurczewski gives advice to other moms and picks up tips in return. She has received recipes and recycling tips via blogs and learned how to compost from Twitter. Kurczewski even composts now and uses it for her garden, a task many would find daunting.

"A lot of moms who follow me will have something in common [babies, eating organic or composting]," she said. "I know what we did and I go from that and just offer support."

The self-proclaimed Yankees addict has set a goal for herself of getting a baseball signed by some of the Yankee greats, such as Derek Jeter and Mariano Rivera. But she's going to wait to take Timothy to a game until he's old enough to really enjoy it.

She also hopes to attract more followers to her blog and teach as she tweets. "I'd like to grow," said Kurczewski. "I want it to be organic so that the people I'm following and who are following me are saying things that somebody can get something from."

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